July 27, 2007

serious business 1

It is easy to loose perspective in the church – for the pastors as well as the parishioners. We get so wrapped up in ourselves and what the church does or doesn’t do for us that we forget that we are their to serve – not to be served.

I find myself embroiled in huge dramatic debates on who knows what about who and when they knew it. How come they get to sit in the first pew, but I am in the second? Is there anyway to get a better ratio of chocolate covered to glazed donuts in here on Sunday morning? Don’t get me wrong – those are my issues! I am the one worried about all this stuff that seems so unbelievably important.

Then I go to Chrysalis or Quest or Jam camp and minister among the young people. Or I go to Rwanda. Or I go to the movies to watch Transformers. I just get a little bit of perspective and realize how unimportant things are. The world beyond the bubble I too often inhabit is hurting, scared, and in desperate need of what is hiding underneath ridiculous non-priorities that consume much of our days.

I am convinced that we have managed to equate slightly inconvenienced with actual suffering.

I will never forget coming home from my last trip to Africa and hearing myself complain about having to ride the shuttle (the air-conditioned shuttle) from Clark H.S. to the church (2 blocks). I suddenly flashed to my Rwandan friend Nathan telling me that he is planting a new church because he doesn’t want people to have to walk more than 10 miles to get to church. I know that we have different standard in the States – we are more used to certain comforts, etc., but really? I am not suffering for Jesus, I barely tolerate being mildly inconvenienced for him. Most days I won’t bear not getting my own way for him.

What we, the church, are doing, what we are to be about, this is serious business.

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