June 14, 2007

the sparkling city by the sea

I spent last week at annual conference in Corpus Christi– and came home tired and frustrated. I thought I had left my political career behind me when I went into ministry, but alas I was slightly naïve. Annual Conference this year held elections for delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conferences. General Conference is our governing body who meet once every four years. Jurisdictional Conference also meets every four years to select and assign bishops to Episcopal areas. University should be proud of Mark Nerio who was elected to serve at General Conference as a layman along with former senior pastor, Mike Lowry who was elected to serve on behalf of the clergy. In addition, Walt Lengel was elected as a delegate to Jurisdictional Conference. Walt is a youth who has been providing great leadership for the conference camp ministry for a number of years.

On the plus side of my week in Corpus, I did really enjoy seeing good friends who are doing amazing things for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. It was great to hear the way that faithful people are transforming their communities and changing lives. As serious as things seem when you are in the midst of voting and politicking, I was reminded that the true battlefield is not in a convention hall stuffed with religious leaders. Rather our fight is for the hearts and minds of those who are perishing in their sin for lack of knowing Jesus Christ. It is there that our victory lies and there that our hope comes.

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